Master-8 and Master-8-cp

5 Year Warranty!
Master-8 is designed to meet a broad range of neurophysiological stimulation requirements.
Master-8 is designed to control optogenetic stimulations.
Eight independent programmable channels with repetitive, single, and train outputs.
Monophasic and biphasic pulses.
All channels can be operated independently, or synchronized to produce complex paradigms (e.g. Theta-Burst).
Deliver series of pulse trains using all channels.
Using optional ISO-Flex SIU scale and select voltage pulses or constant current.
Use some channels to stimulate your preparation, while using other channels to trigger other instruments (oscilloscope, PC, etc.) in synchronization with the stimulation.
Modification on-the-fly:
Modify parameters without stopping the stimulation. For example, while stimulating, switch the stimulation rate from one range to another (e.g. from 98 PPS to 102 PPS).
Wide range of time intervals between pulses/trains:
Intervals from 40 microsec to 3,999 sec!! frequencies from 25 KHz, 8 decades.
Simple switch-off stimulation: important for cases where immediate stimulation cut off is required.
A stand-alone stimulator that can also be programmed via a PC
As a stand-alone unit: All parameters are set by the front panel keys. You can easily switch between 8 stored independent experiments. Each experiment uses all channels.
When connected to a PC (Master-8-cp model, via a USB interface):
Upload and download new experiments.
Control and modify Master-8 parameters from a PC in accordance with experiment feedback.
Use the powerful scheduler to modify parameters and switch between experiments
at scheduled times. For example: set the scheduler to modify the frequency of the output pulses every few seconds.
Download our new Master-8 SDK
(Software Development Kit) – it is free!
Now you can control the Master-8 in 3 ways:
1. As a stand alone unit — via its front panel keys.
2. Via your PC – using our Master-8 Control Software
3. From within your own application/program (MATLAB, LABVIEW etc.) – using our new Master-8 SDK.
Operating Modes
Each channel can operate in any of the following modes:
Free-Run: The channel delivers repetitive pulses.
Trig: Single pulse after triggering (manually, internally from other channels, or externally).
Train: Train of pulses after triggering.
DC: The channel delivers a DC output independent of time settings
Gate: Each time that an external signal is applied, the channel delivers repetitive pulses. Whenever the external input stops, the channel stops working.
Inter-Channel Connections
Each channel can be internally connected to any other channel with no need to connect wires between channels. Each channel can be internally connected to many channels simultaneously.
Each channel operates within the following ranges:
Number of Pulses per Train
1 - 59,990
Pulse Duration
40 microsec. - 3,999 sec (8 decades)
Delay Time
100microsec. - 3,999 sec (> 7 decades)
Interval Time (1/rate)
40 μsec - 3,999 sec
Voltage Range
Each channel delivers output pulses with amplitudes ranging from -10V to +10V, and with a maximum current of 20mA.
Combined Pulses
Three additional outputs deliver combinations of output pulses.
Two Additional Clocks
In addition to its standard 8 channels, Master-8 features 2 internal clocks: The first clock counts the time in seconds up to 24 hours and is used to measure the time elapsed from an event (for example, the beginning of the experiment). The second clock counts the time in tenths of a second up to 1 hour and is used to measure intermediate times.
AC Power
110/230 Volt, 50/60 Hz.
Rack Mounting
Master-8 can be mounted on a standard 19-inch rack.
Regulatory compliance: UL, ULC and CE
For research only — not approved for use on Humans